Savitha Bhabhi :Now a movie Online! While the Govt goes around banning porn!!
If you don't wanna waste time reading this article head to the bottom of the page to see the trailer before it gets banned in India! |
Warning This article contains references to porn and if you are 21 and under please stop reading, or if you are in India you will not see this article soon!
A good news and a bad news, We'll leave you to decide which one is what.
News 1- Savitha Bhabhi (India's first online toon sex icon) has a movie of her own
News 2-Govt to ban porn, starting with porn online!
Incase you are still here after reading this then (after shaking your head in surprise or opening that new tab to google "Savitha Bhabhi Movie...") read on!
A public interest litigation (PIL) had been filed in Indian Supreme Court seeking a ban on Internet pornography and making the watching of it a non-bailable offense, thats right you watch hot stuff on on your computer next thing you know is that you will be cooling heels in jail and probably bump into Salman and a certan Sanjay if your dates are right, but they will be there for less "heinous" offences.
Now we all know that when anything gets banned in India- It gets more popular!
Take Savitha Babhi for instance, she caught the public imagination by bringing every Indian voyeuristic dream to life. At the heights of her popularity she was the buzz of the internet and news media (who says innovation does not happen in India?)
Result: She was banned, or rather the website got banned
Solution: She just CAME back in Kirtu with a bunch of new FRIENDS and their stories!
And now thanks to the "Rising Crimes against women in India"(Read protests in Delhi) there is now a PIL in the Supreme court asking for a ban on online porn viewing making it a non bailable offence and Government is seriously mulling on getting it passed!
We have nothing to say on this- Lest we get banned too, but we are curious to see how all this plays up. Will we have a porn black market soon? Will the famous CD's and DVD stores make a return after this "historic" ban? or will Chotu stop going to the local cyber for "Downloading notes" or stop staring hours at his smartphone and say he is "playing games?"
Will India be free of Eve teasing, Rape, Child abuse and Woman abuse? Will ban bring back the traditions we are so proud of and make every Indian start behaiving like human beings and not animals?
Ufff that is too much for now? Let us know what you think about this ban in the comments below.
Oh and before you do check out exclusive trailers of the Savitha Bhabhi movie before it gets...
You know..