
Blackberry for Android gets demoed on Video!

Blackerry Messenger once the exclusive jewel crown of Blackberry OS is now coming to all major platforms in a bid to revive the sagging fortunes of the beleagured phone maker and the Android version of the App may be just be around the corner

As per a leaked video doing rounds on the internet the BBM for Android has a UI which is exactly similar to the BlackBerry Messenger on BlackBerry 10 including a slide-out menu with Chat, Contacts, Groups, Updates and Invites. You can slide from the right to go to settings, group chat, report a problem, Help and more. You can start a chat by tapping their display picture in the contacts. It also has NFC support that lets you beam a contact to other Android device easily. It also supports emoticons, attach an image or a voice note to messages.

But in a world dominated by WhatApp, WeChat et al will the BBM be sufficient to help regain Blackerry its lost glory?? 

Your thoughts readers!


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