
Super Mario Themed Interactive resume of Robby Leonardi is indeed Next Level Stuff!

My day job is that of an HR professional and as an HR who has been an integral part of recruitment before and now and for my friends in HR who believe have seen it all here is a pleasant surprise.

An Interactive Super Mario Themed Resume! How cool is that?

New York based designer Robby Leonardi's resume is in the form of an interactive webpage in the style of a Mario side-scrolling platform game.

To navigate through his resume all one has to do is use either arrow keys, a touchscreen or your mouse’s scroll wheel and as you ‘progress’ you’ll level-up, getting more details of Leonardi’s life and experience.

For those thousands of Job portals who offer you quick fixes, boosters etc etc on your CV basically jamming it with SEO keywords this resume comes as a breath of fresh air. Besides if you wouldn't call this creative I wonder what will?

Checl out the resume at Robby Leonardi's Interactive resume

Via- TNW


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