
ASUS fonepad featuring Gorilla Glary is funny and heartwarming!

ASUS has got all the bases right on this ad. Especially when you compare it with the unimaginative ones by Samsung the new ASUS fonepad ad has all bases covered. Its funny, its informative and it reminds us that all men are Gorilla's- Forgetful-playful and unabashedly romantic.

It starts off with Glary zapping some fruits on his Fruit Ninja game when he gets a call from his Mrs Glary on the location of her purse which incidentally is squashed by Glary.

No problems, glary just shops for a purse online and voila! Mrs Glary has a purse even before the call is dropped!

Simple, funny and effective. perhaps its time for Samsung to hire Glary or even Buzz Lightyear and make more sense in selling their flagship Galaxies


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